Sri SaiSevaCharitable Trust

The Trust Members of Sri SaiSevaCharitable Trust are the worthy instruments of Bhagwan working tirelessly for restoring sense of values in the young mind of our students. The task of the Trust is to raise the level of general public to spiritual life and it is taken up by these trustees. Their presence inspires and motivates the stakeholders of our school. They are the torch bearers for us and practice simple living and high thinking in all walk of their life. There are our guiding & driving forces for us. Sri SaiSevaCharitable Trust team members.

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Shri. Harshadbhai Jivanbhai Patel


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Smt. Ramilaben.D.Patel


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Shri. Harikrishna.Z. Vaidya


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Shri. Prakashchandra.P.Joshi


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Dr. Vyom B. Pathak

Administrator (Academic)